Mr. Carlos Branco
Major General (R) with the Portuguese Army. PhD candidate in International Relations, specialization in Security Studies and Strategy, at NOVA FCSH. The dissertation title is NATO Partnerships in the Post-Soviet Region. Are they creating Democracies and Promoting Conflict Prevention? The Explanatory Reach of International Relations Theory. Among other professional activities, he was: spokesperson of the Commandant of the NATO forces in Afghanistan and responsible for NATO Strategic Communications in the Afghan Theatre of Operations; United Nations Military Observer in the war of the former Yugoslavia; Desk officer of the United Nations (UN) missions in the Middle East (Lebanon, Syria, Israel and Iraq/Kuwait), in the Military Division of the DPKO, UN Secretariat, New York; Deputy director of the National Defence Institute, Lisbon; Director of the Cooperation and Regional Security Division, International Military Staff, NATO headquarters, Brussels, and Deputy Director of the Military University Institute.
He graduated: with a Master degree in Military Science from the Military Academy; the War College Course from the War College, and the High Level Course on Common Security and Defence Policy, from the European Defence and Security College (Brussels). Attended a MBA with specialization in International Management, at the Católica Business School; and has advanced Intelligence training in the United States (Fort Huachuca, Arizona).
Beyond that he: writes an opinion column in "Jornal Económico"; is author of two books and co-edited four; published more than 70 scientific articles on military-technical themes, management, conflict resolution, security and defence.
Research themes: UN Peace Operations, European Defence and Security Cooperation, NATO, Conflict Resolution, Post-Soviet space, Strategic Communication.
Topic | Levels | Languages |
Civilian peacekeeping and accompaniment | Advanced | Spanish |
Conflict analysis | Advanced | English |
Conflict analysis | Advanced | Spanish |
Conflict management & conflict resolution | Advanced | English |
Conflict management & conflict resolution | Advanced | Spanish |
Conflict prevention | Advanced | English |
Conflict prevention | Advanced | Spanish |
Mediation & negotiation | Advanced | English |
Mediation & negotiation | Advanced | Spanish |
Peacebuilding | Advanced | English |
Peacebuilding | Advanced | Spanish |
Pre-deployment training for civilians | Advanced | English |
Pre-deployment training for civilians | Advanced | Spanish |
Pre-deployment training for military | Advanced | English |
Pre-deployment training for military | Advanced | Spanish |
Protection of civilians | Basic | English |
Protection of civilians | Basic | Spanish |
SSR | Advanced | English |
SSR | Advanced | Spanish |
Anti-terrorism | Advanced | Spanish |
Crisis management | Advanced | English |
Crisis management | Advanced | Spanish |
Disarmament Demobilization and Reintegration DDR | Advanced | English |
Disarmament Demobilization and Reintegration DDR | Advanced | Spanish |
Mission planning | Advanced | English |
Mission planning | Advanced | Spanish |
Target Audience | |
Certificates | |
Customised Trainings | Yes |
Skills |
List of articles, essays, books, etc. written by the Carlos Branco. Papers submitted to conferences/workshops and technical military articles/publications are not included. The majority of the texts were written in Portuguese. All titles were translated into English. 16 articles were peer reviewed.
Business Management
- “Short-term Problems in Angola’s Industrial Development”, I Seminar of Portuguese Speaking Economists, Porto, 1993;
- “Defense Industries in Portugal and Strategic Alternatives”, IAEM, XI Meeting of Military Studies, 1993.
Conflict Resolution
- “Bosnia: War Crimes and the Danger of the “Somalisation”, in Diário de Notícias, 10th April 1996;
- “Bosnia: Muslims, Media and Intrigue in Sarajevo”, in Diário de Notícias, 3rd July 1996;
- “The Yugoslavian Experience and the Principles of the Peacekeeping”, in Jornal do Exército, June / July 1996;
- "The future of Bosnia after SFOR/IFOR", in Jornal do Exército, April 1997;
- “The Viability of a Humanitarian Operation in Zaire. A Military Point of View”, in Jornal do Exército, January 1997;
- “The United Nations and Peace Operations: an Organizational Perspective”, in Nação & Defesa, Instituto da Defesa Nacional (IDN), n.º 104, Spring 2003.
- “Reflections on Vicissitudes and Dilemmas Associated to the Emergency Humanitarian Aid”, in Estratégia, Vol. XIV, 2003.
- “The UN, Intelligence and Peace Operations in the Post Cold War. Opportunities and Challenges”, in Informações e Segurança, Adriano Moreira (ed.), Prefácio, Lisboa, 2004.
- “The United Nations and the Conflict Resolution Process: Constraints and Capabilities”, in Relações Internacionais (R:I), n.º 4, December 2004.
- “Managing Intra-State Conflicts. The Need for New Approaches”, in Janus 2005, Público e Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, 2005, Lisboa. (http://janusonline.pt/2005/2005_4_2_5.html);
- “The Brahimi Report and the UN Peace Operations in the XXI Century”, in Os Portugueses nas Nações Unidas, os 60 Anos da ONU, Carlos Branco e Francisco Garcia (eds.), Prefácio, Lisboa, 2006;
- “Notes on the UN at the Sixties”, in Mama Sume, n.º 64, II Series, January/July 2006;
- “New Peace Operations, Old Problems”, in Semanário Expresso, 15th July, 2006;
- “Ethnicity and Ethnic Violence. The Different Theoretical Approaches and their Conflict Management Utility”, in Relações Internacionais (R:I), September 2006. (http://www.ipri.pt/publicacoes/revista_ri/artigo_rri.php?ida=115);
- “Ethnicity and Ethnic Violence. The Different Theoretical Approaches and their Conflict Management Utility” (extended version), in Revista Militar, n.º 2458, November 2006.
Security and Defence
-"EUROFOR. A Contribution to a Common Defence and Security in Europe", in Jornal do Exército, June/July 1997;
- "The Importance of the EUROFORCES. One Point of View", in Jornal do Exército, November 1997;
- “A European Common Defence in a Post Maastricht Scenario: Rhetoric or a Practicable Project?” in Revista Militar, n.º 2386, November 2000. (In English);
- “The Role of National Ideologies in the Foundation of the First Yugoslavia. From the Nation-State Concept to Yugoslavism”, in Estratégia, Vol XII, 2000, Lisboa. (In English);
- “The Evolution of the European Security and Defence Policy since Maastricht”, in Relações Internacionais (R:I), n.º 14, June 2007;
- “The Muslim National Question in Bosnia. An Historical Overview and an Analytical Reappraisal”, in Revista Militar, n.º 2488, II Século, 61.º Vol., n.º 5, May 2009. (In English). (http://www.revistamilitar.pt/modules/articles);
- “Revisiting Asymmetry from a Public Affairs Perspective”, in The Compass, Vol. 1, Issue 8, November 2008. (In English). www.jhlb.nato.int);
- “The Development of the European and Defence Policy after Maastricht”, in Relações Internacionais (R:I), June 2007.
- “NATO in Afghanistan and the Challenges of an International Organization in Counterinsurgency”, in Cadernos do Instituto de Defesa Nacional, n.º 1, II Série, December 2008. (http://www.idn.gov.pt/publicacoes/cadernos/CadernoIDN2.pdf);
- “Afghanistan and the Fight for the Heart and Minds in the Counter-subversive War”, in Mama Sume, n.º 70, II Series, January/July 2009.
- “The New American Strategy for Afghanistan and the Counterinsurgency Manoeuvre. Change or Continuity?” In Nação & Defesa, Instituto da Defesa Nacional (IDN), n.º 124, Winter 2009. (http://www.idn.gov.pt/publicacoes/nacaodefesa/textointegral/NeD124.pdf);
- “Portugal in Peace Support Operations. Successes, Problems and Challenges”, in E-cadernos, CES, n.º 6., Centro de Estudos Sociais, Coimbra, 2009. (http://www.ces.uc.pt/e-cadernos/media/ecadernos6/@cetera%20%20-%20Carlos%20Branco.pdf);
- “What Does Mean Peace Operations? Concepts and Taxonomy”, in Portugal in Peace Missions. Successes, Problems and Challenges, Carlos Branco e Francisco Garcia (eds.), Prefácio, Lisboa, 2010;
- “The New Opportunities for Portugal in Africa”, in Nunca de Antes, Instituto da Defesa Nacional e Prefácio, Lisboa, 2009;
- “Afghanistan: from Stabilization to Counterinsurgency”, in Nunca de Antes, Instituto da Defesa Nacional e Prefácio, Lisboa, 2009;
- “Non-governmental Organizations in the Mediation of Violent Intra-state Conflict: The Confrontation between Theory and Practice in the Mozambican Peace Process”, in Janus.Net, October 2011. (In English). (http://observare.ual.pt/janus.net/images/stories/PDF/vol2_n2/en/en_vol2_n2_art4.pdf);
- “NATO in Afghanistan, the Communication Domain”, in Perceptions of NATO and the New Strategic Concept, Luís Nuno Rodrigues & Volodymyr Dubovyk (eds.), Amsterdam, IOS Press, 2011, (In English). (http://ebooks.iospress.nl/publication/25339);
- “How Long Will Last the Conflict in Afghanistan?” in Janus 2011-2012, Público e Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Lisboa. (http://janusonline.pt/popups2011_2012/2011_2012_2_14.pdf);
- “Afghanistan and the Battle for the Control of Public Perceptions: Understanding the Insurgents´ “Strategic Communications” Campaign”, in Nação & Defesa, Instituto da Defesa Nacional (IDN), n.º 130, 2011. (In English).
- “NATO’s Partnerships and the Alliance Transformation”, in Mama Sume, n.º 75, II Serie, 2012.
- “The Sea in the Space of the CPLP”, in Nação & Defesa, Instituto da Defesa Nacional (IDN), n.º 128, 2011.
- “NATO’s Partnerships and the Alliance Transformation”, in Mama Sume, n.º 75, II Série, 2012.
- “Afghanistan 2014: and After the Farewell of the International Forces?” in Janus 2013, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, 2013, Lisboa. (http://janusonline.pt/popups2013/2013_1_15.pdf).
- “Promoting International Peace and Security through NATO’s Partnerships: Identifying Cooperation Opportunities beyond Existing Frameworks”, in Enduring NATO, Rising Brazil. Managing International Security in a Recalibrating Global Order, Smith-Windsor, Brooke, editor, NATO Defence College, Roma, 2015. (www.ndc.nato.int/download/downloads.php?icode=435).
- “Portugal and the Challenges of Geoeconomics”, in Cadernos de Economia, Ano XXVIII, n.º 111, Abril/June 2015. (http://www.cadernoseconomia.com.pt/ce111/indice.html).
- “Portugal and the CSDP”, in The Common Security and Defence Policy: National Perspectives, Fiott, Daniel (editors), Egmont Papers 79, Brussels, may 2015. (www.europeangeostrategy.org/2015/03/portugal-csdp).
- “The Portuguese Participation in United Nations Peace Operations” in Relações Internacionais (R:I), n. 47, September 2015.
- “The Contribution of the Portuguese Armed Forces to the Foreign Affairs Policy of Portuguese State in the Maghreb Region”, in Revista Militar, 68º Volume, n.º 1, n.º 2568, January 2016.
- Terrorism or Insurgency? Europe at a Cross Road, in Geostrategic Pulse, Nr. 221, 20 September 2016, Bucharest. Pp. 24 28.
- A Segurança dos Pontos de Articulação Estratégica, in Moita, Luís e Pinto, Luís (editors), 2017. Espaços Económicos e Espaços de Segurança, Observare.
- “Navigating Through Unchartered Waters: Impact of ‘Brexit’ on the European Union’s Foreign and Security Policy – Who Loses and Who Wins?” 2016. in Nação & Defesa, N.º 144, pp. 177-197.
- “European Defence” (published in Portuguese), in Viana, V, e Nunes, I., 2017. A Segurança Europeia, Instituto de Defesa Nacional. Coleção Atena, 2017). pp. 131-176.
- “The Dismemberment of Yugoslavia”, in Branco, C., Santos, H., e Saraiva, L., 2018. The Yugoslav Wars in the First Person. Testimonies of Portuguese Soldiers serving with the United Nations. Lisbon. Colibri. pp. 76.
As Author
- The Infantry Regiment n.º 13. More Than Three Centuries Serving the Homeland, Regimento de Infantaria n.º 13, 2005.
- A Guerra nos Balcãs. Jihadismo, Geopolítica e Desinformação. Vivências de um Oficial do Exército ao serviço da ONU. Edições Colibri, 2016. Lisboa. Translated into Serbian (Kniga Komerc, 2019) and in English (TBP).
As Co-editor
- Portuguese at the United Nations. The 60 Years of the UN, Prefácio, Lisboa, 2006.
- Portugal in Peace Missions. Successes, Problems and Challenges, Prefácio, Lisboa, 2010.
- Incursões na Teoria da Resolução de Conflitos. 2017. Universidade Autonoma de Lisboa e Observare. (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ricardo_Real_P_Sousa/publication/316974353_Incursoes_na_Teoria_da_Resolucao_de_Conflitos/links/591b1b82aca272bf75c799c5/Incursoes-na-Teoria-da-Resolucao-de-Conflitos.pdf?origin=publication_detail)
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