CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

Mr Rem Bahadur BK(tomata)

  •   Kathmandu, Nepal
Acerca de

I am a visionary, a tireless advocate, a social changemaker, a renowned Nepalese Dalit Rights Activist, and Journalist of Nepal, involving in the sectors of Dalit issues, human rights, peace, democracy, humanitarian support, elections observations, youth leadership, Dalit empowerment, gender based issues nationally and internationally through mass media mobilization, discussion, debate, discourse, campaign, workshop, seminar, conferences and other various ways since more than two decades. Moreover, raising the voice for human rights, freedom of speech, peace, democracy, rights of Dalit (vulnerable communities), diversity in media, representation of other backward classes (OBC) to eliminate the caste-based discrimination, for Dalit empowerment, and ending untouchability, and social justice, and spread educational awareness, through mass media and advocacy at the national and international levels.

Formaciones ofrecidas
Tema Niveles Idiomas
Derechos humanos (en situación de conflicto) Advanced English
  • Periodistas
  • No disponible
Formaciones a medida No
  • No disponible

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