CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

Ms. Rita Das

  •   Dhaka, Bangladesh
Acerca de

I have More than 10 years capacity building/training experience with UNDP (1. as a Training Associate in Strengthening Election Commission of Bangladesh Project for 5 years; 2. as a Training Officer in Activating Village Court in Bangladesh Project for 4 years; as a Master Trainer in PCAR project of UNICEF and Ministry of Social Welfare) and INCIDIN Bangladesh (5 years working experience as a Program Officer-Capacity Building on RMG sector of Bangladesh and Globalization).
To reach career excellence through dedication, sincerity, creativity, hard work and also seek continuous self-improvement with the changing organizational internal and external needs. I have completed a master’s degree in Economics from National University and an executive course on Development studies from Dhaka University. Since the inception till now I am engaged with the activities which ultimately served the project goal, which I belief will fit the your requirement..

Formaciones ofrecidas
Tema Niveles Idiomas
Seguridad alimentaria Advanced English
Género/ Transversalización de las cuestiones de género Advanced English
Sensibilización hacia la explotación y el abuso sexuales Advanced English
Jóvenes y niños/as Advanced English
Otros Advanced English
  • Fuerzas del orden
  • Formuladores de políticas
  • Funcionarios/as gubernamentales
  • Público en general
  • Jóvenes
  • Personal de ONG
  • Mujeres
  • Otros
  • Trabajadores sociales
  • Monitores de jóvenes
  • No disponible
Formaciones a medida  Yes
  • No disponible
• Contributed to develop Pocket Card on Village Court, UNDP, AVCB project 2018
• Contributed to develop FAQ on Village Court, UNDP, AVCB project 2018
• Contributed to develop Training Manual Publication on Village Court, UNDP, AVCB project 2017
• Contributed to develop Booklet Publication on VC, UNDP, AVCB project 2017
• Video documentary on support to 10th Parliamentary Election produced by UNDP, SEMB project,
• Training Manual Publication on Village Court, UNDP, AVC project 2017
• Booklet Publication on VC, UNDP, AVC project 2017
• Water, Seeds, Jute: About Digitalization, Farmers Friendly Proposition -, INCIDIN Bangladesh, 2012
• Peoples Agriculture Commission- INCIDIN Bangladesh, 2012
• Citizens Report 2009, by MIEM (Movement for implementation of Election Manifesto)
• A documentary on Our Agriculture is Our Life-2008
• Participatory Action Research on the Vulnerable female RMG workers to strengthen their coping strategy for better livelihood in the face people loss of employment by research initiatives, Bangladesh, 2006
• Agrarian Living beyond the Corporate Cage, 2005 by INCIDIN Bangladesh
• Gender Analysis of Suicide in the contemporary Bangladesh, by Bangladesh Mahila Parishad, 2003
• Election Promises: Peoples Priorities
• Bulletin on Trade Liberalization, by INCIDIN Bangladesh-2003-2011
• Contributed regularly in the monthly Bulletin of INCIDIN Bangladesh, titled on “Trade liberalization Review”.
• Contributed in the Bulletin of OXFAM Bangladesh, titled on “NARI FORUM”.
• Contributed in the Bulletin of MUKTA SISHU&NARI FORUM titled as “SRISHTI”

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