CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses


  • Public
  • Profit
  • National

In general, both within the country and abroad, the University of Bucharest is considered to be the most important educational, research and cultural institution in Romania. During its 150 years of existence, it has achieved a steadfast national and international prestige.

The numerous generations of students and professors have succeeded in asserting our University as one of the benchmark institutions for the whole Romanian society, as it is the first existing Romanian institution to ever reach the top 600 universities of the world.

The University of Bucharest offers several study programmes, on all levels and means of university education: there are 93 bachelor programmes, 208 master programmes and 21 doctoral programmes. All of these are accredited or authorised. The University of Bucharest also holds the TIFFIN EMBA master programme.

The diplomas awarded by the University of Bucharest are recognised in most of the countries around the world. Within the University of Bucharest there are study programmes organised in collaboration with other prestigious universities abroad. The graduates of these programmes may receive diplomas from both the University of Bucharest and from the partner universities.

Datos de contacto
  • Intituto de investigación /académico
  • Ciberseguridad
  • Contraterrorismo
  • Ejército
  • Funcionarios/as gubernamentales
  • Personal de ONG
  • Periodistas
Año de fundación 1985
Centro de enseñanza superior o secundaria No
  • No disponible
Idiomas de formación principales
  • English

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