CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

Fundamentals of Project Management

Nivel de capacidad

This course is a comprehensive introduction to development project management. Designed for people who want to build or increase their skills in project management and who work or are looking to work with international development organizations, donor and public institutions, NGOs, non-profit and community-based organizations, Government and donor agencies, and anyone interested in a career in development project management.


Upon successful completion of the Fundamentals of Project Management online course participants will: Understand the key terms, definitions of project management. Describe the project cycle and the management processes, identify project structures, understand the roles and responsibilities, and have a clear understanding of project, program and portfolio management. This course is part of the certification program. Students that complete the certification program will receive the Certification in Development Project Management (CDPM)


There are no requirements to take this course, although the students will benefit if they know the type of work that occurs in development organizations and development projects, or had some experience working on a project. Students should have a good internet connection, Adobe Reader in their computers as well as MS Office to work on the course assignments. Good connectivity is required to watch some of the online videos. As a convenience to our remote students, you can download most of the course material to read offline.

1201 Peachtree St, Suite 622 30303 Atlanta Estados Unidos

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  • Gestión de proyectos sensible al conflicto
Idiomas English
Evaluación Final Exam
  • Personal de ONG
  • Estudios de caso
Número de participantes 20
  • PMI
  • FPM

Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este curso, póngase en contacto con nosotros.

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