CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

The Triple Nexus

Plazo límite de presentación de solicitud
3rd October 2024
Fecha de inicio
17th October 2024
Fecha de finalización
28th November 2024
Nivel de capacidad

In this highly interactive and participatory online training, we will look at the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus, also called the 'triple nexus' - which is meant to improve the linkages between humanitarian aid, development cooperation, and peacebuilding. Together, we will explore how we can move organisations out of a mode of operating in isolation and 'only' focussing on their particular aspect of the Nexus. Participants will develop the necessary skills and knowledge to situate their work on the Nexus, plan, monitor and evaluate conflict sensitive projects and programmes and adapt their interventions towards greater contributions to peace, more cooperation and collaboration, as well as strategic planning and higher degrees of local ownership.


Exploring how:

- To situate their own work/organisation on the Peacebuilding-Conflict Sensitivity Continuum as well as on the Nexus
- Participants' own interventions can make a larger contribution to moving societies to a peaceful future
- Different types of interventions can become well-alligned, well-coordinated, well-integrated and complementary
- Humanitarian and developmental approaches can incorporate conflict elements, thus ensuring coherence
- To achieve greater cooperation and collaboration between agencies, organisations, authorities and the general population, including longer-term strategic thinking even in short-term interventions, working on greater local owner- and leadership and sustainability of interventions


The course is designed for practitioners from the humanitarian, development cooperation and peacebuilding/conflict transformation fields who are interested in exploring how to jointly work towards sustainable peace and development, thereby improving each of the individual approaches and enabling them to better address multi-faceted challenges in fragile contexts and contexts of conflict. We encourage practitioners from all three fields to register for this shared learning experience.

Am Koelner Brett 8 50825 Cologne Alemania

Para apuntarse en el curso, por favor, haga clic aquí.   Apuntarse ahora

  • Transformación de conflictos
  • Mantenimiento civil de la paz y acompañamiento
  • Gestión de conflictos y resolución de conflictos
  • Formación previa al desplazamiento para civiles
  • Gestión de proyectos sensible al conflicto
  • Diseño de programación de consolidación de la paz y prevención
Idiomas English
Evaluación Certificate of Attendance
  • Personal de ONG
  • Trabajo de equipo y resolución colaborativa de problemas
Número de participantes 20
  • No disponible
  • Certificate of Attendence

Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este curso, póngase en contacto con nosotros.

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