CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

Adaptive Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Approaches in Complex Environments

25th January 2024
5th February 2025
7th February 2025
Level der Fertigkeiten (Skills)
On campus
1700 CHF

There's a rising demand for more adaptive methodologies as traditional monitoring and evaluation (M&E) approaches struggle to answer questions such as: How does our livelihood project strengthen or undermine social cohesion? Are our humanitarian projects contributing to local peacebuilding, as envisioned by the commitment to a more joined-up humanitarian-development-peace (HDP) approach in conflict contexts?

In this course, participants will explore the dynamic intersection of Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) with adaptive methodologies. Tailored for individuals navigating complex and uncertain environments, the course is designed to equip them with essential skills for adapting their programs and projects effectively and assessing their contributions to peace and positive social change.

Despite the widely acknowledged importance of adaptation and learning of MEL, practical guidance on implementation remains scarce. We aim to address this gap by offering a nuanced exploration of proven strategies and hands-on experience.

Throughout the course, participants will immerse themselves in case studies and critically reflect the effective application and customization of adaptive approaches. Beyond individual learning, the course fosters a community of practitioners, offering a platform for sharing insights, networking, and collectively addressing challenges.


As a participant, you will be able to:

Develop a comprehensive understanding of complexity theory and its implications for Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) practices, and the challenges of establishing causality in dynamic environments.
Acquire valuable insights and approaches for navigating complexity by integrating adaptive approaches alongside traditional performance Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) practices.
Explore innovative MEL approaches to capture intangible social changes resulting from their projects/programs by strengthening their Theory of Change and exploring additional approaches such as Outcome Harvesting.
Enhance their capacity to engage with donors and advocate for the integration of adaptive and complexity-aware MEL approaches in project design and evaluation frameworks.


The course is for professionals in development cooperation, humanitarian aid, and peacebuilding, working within complex environments. Specifically:
- Professionals working in or on fragile and conflict-affected contexts with a basic understanding and hands-on experience of MEL, interested in exploring adaptive MEL approaches alongside traditional methods;
- Practitioners involved in guiding the design and implementation of complex programs and projects, keen on delineating and identifying social change.

Is this course a good match for you? If unsure, do not hesitate to contact us at

Kasernenhof 8 4058 Basel Schweiz

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  • Überwachung, Bewertung und Verbesserung der Aktivitäten der Konfliktprävention und Friedensstiftung (CPPB)
  • Friedenskonsolidierung
  • Konfliktsensitives Projektmanagement
Sprachen English
Bewertung Successful participants are awarded a Certificate of Attendance.
  • Militärische Organisation
  • Politische EntscheidungsträgerInnen
  • RegierungsbeamtInnen
  • MitarbeiterInnen von NGOs
  • Behörden
  • Vortrag
  • Gruppenarbeit und gemeinsame Problemlösung
  • Fallstudie
  • University of Basel
  • Certificate of Attendance
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