CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

Designing and Implementing Effective Monitoring and Evaluation for Development, Peacebuilding & Humanitarian Operations

11th March 2018
11th April 2019
13th April 2019
Level der Fertigkeiten (Skills)
On campus
£350 / OECD: £450

Designing and Implementing Effective Monitoring and Evaluation for Development, Peacebuilding &
Humanitarian Operations a three-day Executive Leadership Programme designed for senior practitioners, monitoring & evaluation units, field staff, and heads of agencies working in peacebuilding and peace support operations – including crisis management; violence prevention; mediation, peacemaking and peace processes
during armed conflict; peacebuilding and development; post-war recovery and reconciliation; UN missions; and demobilization, disarmament and reintegration programmes. The programme has been designed to assist organisations, agencies and missions in the field to see how to develop
appropriate monitoring & evaluation systems and processes customized for their exact needs and contexts. The programme focuses on improving practical and applied skills and tools for those working in the field. In 3 days participants work together with other leading practitioners and agencies from around the world, rigorously review
and evaluate their own programmes and strengths and challenges of peacebuilding in their contexts, and are exposed to a range of rigorous and effective methodologies, tools and case studies which they can apply in their work. We select participants based upon their work and then take them through a customized methodology to assist them in improving the design, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of their programmes. Participants – from governments, UN agencies, the Commonwealth Secretariat, and local, national and international organizations – have reviewed IPDTC’s London line of Advanced Professional Trainings as amongst the best of their kind in the world.

Training location: London


Your Benefits: What you get from this course

• Take participants through a customized methodology designed to assist agencies, organisations and UN country missions in developing
appropriate monitoring and evaluation methodologies for improving impact and effectiveness of peacebuilding programmes.
• Provide a dynamic, safe environment using
a confidentiality rule to enable participants
and their organizations/agencies to address key issues and challenges they face in their work.
• Provide effective tools which can be used by
participants and their organizations in developing baselines, indicators, types of change, and monitoring and evaluation frameworks.
• Explore best practices and lessons learned in
applied monitoring and evaluation from peacebuilding and conflict transformation
programmes and national and international organizations, together with senior staff and practitioners from around the world.


Participants: Who is it for?
Mediators, governments, UN agencies and missions, and national and international organisations working with mediation, negotiations, dialogue processes (from community to national and inter-party levels)

Str. Ion Ghica 30 400306 Cluj-Napoca Rumänien
  • Konflikttransformation
  • Kultur und Identität
  • Menschenrechte (im Konflikt)
  • Zivile Friedensförderung
  • Konfliktanalyse
  • Konfliktmanagement & Konfliktlösung
  • Konfliktprävention
  • Institutionelle Entwicklung / Kapazitätsaufbau
  • Leadership
  • Mediation & Verhandlung
  • Überwachung, Bewertung und Verbesserung der Aktivitäten der Konfliktprävention und Friedensstiftung (CPPB)
  • Friedenserziehung
  • Friedenskonsolidierung
  • Polizeiarbeit
  • Krisenmanagement
  • Missionsbeobachtung
  • Missionsplanung
  • Gestaltung von Friedensförderungs- und Präventionsprogrammen
  • Kulturbewusstsein & Kommunikation
Sprachen English
Bewertung based on participation
  • Militärische Organisation
  • Polizeibehörden
  • Politische EntscheidungsträgerInnen
  • RegierungsbeamtInnen
  • Allgemeinheit
  • Örtliche Behörden
  • Jugendliche
  • MitarbeiterInnen von NGOs
  • Frauen
  • Vortrag
  • Gruppenarbeit und gemeinsame Problemlösung
  • Fallstudie
  • Simulation
  • Nicht verfügbar
  • Advanced Professional Training: Certificate of Participation
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