CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

Rapid Expert Assistance and Co-Operation Teams for Conflict Prevention, Crisis Management and Post-Conflict Rehabilitation REACT

15th April 2020
25th May 2020
30th June 2020
Level der Fertigkeiten (Skills)
On campus

Module I: Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding
- Peace and conflict analysis
- Conflict prevention
- Conflict management
- Conflict resolution
- Peacebuilding

Module II: International Law
- Public International Law: basic concepts
- International Human Rights Law
- International Humanitarian Law
- International Criminal Law

Module III: Protection of Civilians
- Protection of civilians in armed conflict
- Women, Peace and Security. Gender in Operations
- Children and Armed Conflict
- Refugees and internally displaced people

Module IV: Conflicts and current threats to international peace and security
- Regional analysis
- Radicalization, terrorism and violent extremism
- Transnational organized crime
- Weapons of mass destruction
-Hybrid threats
-Climate change

Module V: Key actors and their contribution to international peace and security
- United Nations, Peace and Security Pillar
- European Union
- African Union
- The role of Civil Society

Module VI: Tools for sustainable peace
- Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration of ex-combatants (DDR)
- Security Sector Reform (SSR)
- Accountability and transitional justice
- Democracy and Rule of Law
- Elections in peacebuilding
- The role of media in peace and conflict

Module VII: Skills and competencies
- Awareness of threats and risks. Personal security
- Safety and security procedures for vehicle movement
- Kidnapping and hostage survival
- Weapons, mines, improvised explosive devices and unexploded ordnances
- Protection of classified and sensitive information
- First aid in hostile environments
- Orientation and communications in the field
- 4x4 off road driving
- Working with interpreters
- Stress management
- Negotiation and multicultural communication
- Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense
- Addressing media
- Career development


-To provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and analyze the main threats to international peace and security, the contexts in which armed conflicts arise, their key actors and the impact of conflict on civilians.

-To build participants' capabilities in prevention, management and resolution of conflicts as well as protection of civilians in armed conflicts.

-To strengthen the capacity and confidence of participants to deal effectively with risk-associated and emergency/critical situations while deployed in hostile environments abroad


University degree
Fluency in English
Ability to work under pressure

CALLE BLASCO DE GARAY 13 5 DERECHA 28015 Madrid Spanien

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  • Entwaffnung, Demobilisierung und Reintegration (DDR)
  • Menschenrechte (im Konflikt)
  • Humanitäres Völkerrecht
  • Konfliktanalyse
  • Konfliktmanagement & Konfliktlösung
  • Konfliktprävention
  • Leadership
  • Mediation & Verhandlung
  • Friedenskonsolidierung
  • Schutz der Zivilbevölkerung
  • SSR
  • Übergangsjustiz („Transitional Justice“)
  • Krisenmanagement
  • Entwaffnung, Demobilisierung und Reintegration (DDR)
Sprachen English
Bewertung SI
  • Allgemeinheit
  • Vortrag
  • Gruppenarbeit und gemeinsame Problemlösung
  • Fallstudie
  • Rollenspiel
  • Simulation
  • Reflexionsmethodik
TeilnehmerInnenanzahl 30
  • Nicht verfügbar
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