CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

Safety for Female Travelers Course

7th March 2025
7th March 2025
Level der Fertigkeiten (Skills)
On campus
€ 695,-

After the meeting you join the group for drinks. The atmosphere is great, and you are having a good time. You find yourself in an animated discussion with a director of a possible future partner organisation. He is standing very close to you and you ask him to give you some room. The man keeps focussed on you and now puts a hand on your shoulder. This makes you feel very uncomfortable. You made yourself clear, didn’t you? What to do? How to get out of this situation?

Working in complex environments, female travellers can be confronted with harassment and other threatening situations. Especially when traveling and working abroad you must be able to deal with these situations with confidence and determination. This course enables you to de-escalate and steer situations in the right direction. After this course you have the tools and confidence to deal with situations when travelling. That way you can focus on your mission

Safe learning environment:
Anyone can take part in our training. Your personal safety and well-being are our primary concern. Before and during the course, you can share prior experiences with the trainer. She can discreetly adapt the course for you to make sure this will be the best and safest learning experience you ever had. As this is a female only training, the course is facilitated by a female trainer, the actor is male.

About this course
• Language: English (incompany also in Dutch)
• Duration: 1 day (8 hours)
• Breakdown of time: 30% theory, 30% practice, 40% simulations
• Group size: maximum 9
• Venue: Soesterberg, the Netherlands
• Dietary wishes: vegetarian/vegan/halal/other
• Certification: on completion of the course you will receive a certificate


What you can expect
• This is a practical course with lots of exercises and simulations
• Your private experiences stay private. During this course we focus on preventing situations in the future.
• This is not a self-defence course. This course enables you to defuse situations before they escalate.



Amersfoortsestraat 20 3769 AS Soesterberg Niederlande

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  • Wahlbeobachtung
  • Zivile Friedensförderung
  • Institutionelle Entwicklung / Kapazitätsaufbau
  • Persönlicher Schutz und Sicherheit (inkl. Stressmanagement etc.)
  • Einsatzvorbereitende Ausbildung für die zivile Bevölkerung
  • Einsatzvorbereitende Ausbildung für die Polizei
  • Kulturbewusstsein & Kommunikation
Sprachen English
Bewertung Evaluation
  • RegierungsbeamtInnen
  • MitarbeiterInnen von NGOs
  • Frauen
  • SozialarbeiterInnen
  • JugendarbeiterInnen
  • LehrerInnen
  • JournalistInnen
  • Vortrag
  • Gruppenarbeit und gemeinsame Problemlösung
  • Rollenspiel
TeilnehmerInnenanzahl 9
  • Nicht verfügbar
  • CSD Certificate
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