Checklist for planning a training
Identify and spell out the context and conditions for the training:
- Is the training on-site, online or blended?
- What criteria are set by the donors of the training?
- Which level is it?
- Is the course accredited? If so, what are the implications for curricula design?
- How will I promote self-care in the training?
- Have I designed my training to fit the length, level of the training and group composition?
- How can the training contribute to this? What is the overall goal of the training? Keep in mind: What are the limits of the training, considering its duration, trainers, experts etc.?
- Have I examined lessons learned and best practices about implementation from prior experience, observation and research? Have I devised plans for responding to risks within the training?
- Have I conducted a training needs assessment? Have I shaped the training for the objectives of the mission and location? Have I consulted with local partners working in the field?
- Is there a trainer team? Have I synchronized my training modules to avoid duplications and to build content complementing each others’?
- Are additional experts (e.g. policy maker, diplomat) for particular sessions invited? How does the expert input fit the overall learning objectives?
- Have I recruited participants appropriate for the training? Do I have diversity among participants? Have I consulted with participants in the planning phase? Do I know participants’ backgrounds and do I know of any specific learning needs?
- What are the criteria for the selection of participants and who sets them? Do participants have special learning requirements set by the training organizer?
- What do the participants need to be able to know and do to fulfil their function in CPPB missions and projects effectively, successfully and context / conflict sensitive?
- Have I clearly defined learning objectives for the course and each session?
- Do the learning objectives match the training context, content and methods?
Are the learning objectives appropriate to the target audience, what are their profiles, professional experiences and cultural and educational backgrounds?
- Did I refer to core concepts of conflict prevention and peacebuilding, and have I placed the content in the overall CPPB categories?
- Is the content based on the needs assessment, learning objectives and participant goals?
- Is the content gender mainstreamed?
- Did I consider possible biases / discrimination / structural or cultural violence elements?
- Are curriculum and methods informed by adult learning and peace education theory?
- Do the methods fit the learning objectives and the target audience?
- Are they sensitive to conflict, culture, gender, power relations etc.?
- Have I researched / developed and sent out relevant materials to the participants?
- Have I prepared handouts, slides and work sheets? Check if they are gender mainstreamed.