M Andre Ebouaney
I am a youth and community worker, a writer, a sign language interpreter, an intercultural mediator, a facilitator, a trainer, and a learner. My field of expertise is D/deafness, Sign Language, Visual impairment, Inclusion, Accessibility, Migration studies, Dual discrimination, and Intercultural learning.
My motto is: "Be the reason why someone smiles today."
Topic | Levels | Languages |
Culture and identity | Advanced | English |
Culture and identity | Advanced | Italian |
Culture and identity | Advanced | French |
Peace education | Basic | English |
Peace education | Basic | Italian |
Peace education | Basic | French |
Youth and children | Advanced | English |
Youth and children | Advanced | Italian |
Youth and children | Advanced | French |
Target Audience | |
Certificates | |
Customised Trainings | Yes |
Skills |
A. Ebouaney, M. Rinaldi(Trad), llMoukala diKedi, Trento, Edizioni del Faro, 201 7.
A, Ebouaney, E. Dolza, S. Mastrokoukou, The integration of D/deaf Students in Italian HEIS, 6th international Conference for the Promotion of Educational innovation, Marzo 2020.
A. Ebouaney, Per una vita attiva dei Sordi Senior, Buone Prassi Convegno "Anziani. Dignita, relazioni, cure", 3" Convengo internazionale,2 e 3 ottobre 2020, Trento I Online.
A, Ebouaney, E. Dolza, QUALE FORN/IAZIONE PER GLI INTERPRETI Dl LINGUA DEI SEGNI lN EUROPA?, Convegno lnternazionale lnclusione scolastica degli Studenti Sordi e Formazione degli lnterpreti nelle Lingue dei Segni, ottobre 2020.
A. Ebouaney., E. Dolza, Contrastive analysis between the French Sign Language and French Sign Language used at the St, John the Baptist School of the Deaf and Special Needs Children of Bertoua, lndigenous Hands and Voices of African Identity: Discourse on Language Rights, January 2021.
A. Ebouaney., E. Dolza., F. Majeu, Sourds d'Afrique: contribution a l'ettrde sur la situation des sourds au Cameroun, EdI-CAD, Douala, Avril 2021.
Enrico Dolza, Andre Ebouaney, Felicité Majeu Defo, Contrastive analysis between the French Sign Language and the Sign Language used in two Francophone deaf school in Cameroon, 10th World Congress of African Linguistics, Leiden University June 7-12, 2021.
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