Mr Osama Idries
As an inspiring trainer and consultant I motivate people to take action, believe in their possibilities
and be critical and independent thinkers and leaders. As consultant I provide services to the
management of national and international NGOs, which include capacity building, organizational
restructuring, M&E, mappings and strategic plans. Adopting the values and the principles of CrossCutting issues, especially Human Rights, Good Governance and Gender mainstreaming are the most
challenging and interesting consultancy missions.
Being experienced in Europe, Middle-East and Africa I am very well equipped to transform the
Western guidelines and standards to local setting and the region reality to Western understanding.
Thème | Niveaux | Langues |
Genre / Égalité hommes-femmes | Advanced | English |
Droits humains (dans les conflits armés) | Basic | English |
Droits humains (dans les conflits armés) | Basic | Dutch |
Droits humains (dans les conflits armés) | Basic | Arabic |
Droits humains (dans les conflits armés) | Advanced | English |
Encadrement | Basic | Dutch |
Encadrement | Advanced | English |
Encadrement | Advanced | Arabic |
Consolidation de la paix | Basic | Arabic |
Public cible | |
Certificats | |
Formations sur mesure | No |
Compétences |
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