CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

Mr Ethelwald Olimpio Mendes

  •   Vasco da gama, Inde
À propos

I am admitted to the BAR in India since 1987.
Been standing counsel for the government, local self governments and statuatory public bodies.
Admiralty and marine jurisdiction, civil and tort law, family and inheritance especially Portuguese law as applicable in old Portuguese territory, civil and commercial law
Member of IIADR, MCHJMC, WMO (mediation/ dispute boards)
Founder member of Oasis Knowledge Tree a dispute resolution training organisation

Formations proposées
Thème Niveaux Langues
Médiation & négociation Advanced English
Autre Advanced English
8/2012 - Present
Goa and india, Inde
Branch in charge
Oasis Counsel and Advisory
5/2000 - 5/2016
Goa, Inde
2/1987 - Present
Goa, Inde
Public cible
  • Fonctionnaires gouvernementaux
  • Grand public
  • Autorités locales
  • Personnel d'ONG
  • IIAM
  • ICC
Formations sur mesure  Yes
  • Judge and mediator for ICC mediation competition
  • Judge and Arbitrator for IMLAM arbitration moots
  • Judge and Arbitrator for Whiliem Vis arbitration moot
University of bombay
BA (Hons) English literature and psychology,  Ethelwald olimpio mendes
6/1976 - 6/1980
Goa,  Inde
University of bombay
LLB,  Ethelwald olyimpio mendes
6/1980 - 6/1983
Goa,  Inde
Accreditation of mediator,  Ethelwald olyimpio mendes
11/2014 - 11/2014
Cochin,  Inde
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