Somali Peace and Skill Development Organization (SPSDO) is a Professional independent non-political, non-religious, non-governmental Peacebuilding organization based in and established in Bosaso October 2018. Its membership is primarily composed of Professionals, educators and intellectuals of Somali origin who live in Somalia and in many other countries.
Humanity currently faces Multiple Global Catastrophic risks that need to be addressed therefore Global challenges demand Global cooperation. No single entity will be able to develop and implement the prefect solution to world’s greatest challenges. In line with this Principle, a key aspect of our work is to gather diverse actors and work with collaborative efforts. our most priority interventions are Peace Building, We Conduct Awareness Campaigns against Piracy and Peaceful Passage of the International waters and Against Terrorism which could be beneficial and can Contribute International Peace and security. We bring youth in Coastal Districts and Villages to dialogue and establish networks and cooperation against Piracy and extremism and provide them skills for their livelihood. We empower volunteer leaders of youth to promote active tolerance and responsible citizenship in communities experiencing different forms of conflict and violence. Our goal is to empower the locals to become the architects of their own peace and Security and provide them with the necessary tools and knowledge.
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Année de création | 2018 |
Établissement d’enseignement secondaire ou supérieur | No |
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