CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

Responsible Business Conduct: Past, Present & Future

Coûts/Frais d’inscription
CHF 1'100

Are you confused about ESG, CSR, UNGPs, GRI, L2O, VPs, and all those terms? In this introductory course, participants explore the responsibilities of businesses for the impacts of their operations on the environment, the economy, society, local communities, and individuals. The course explores the incidents and conflicts that have triggered the concepts behind the acronyms used to describe different perspectives on Responsible Business Conduct. Participants learn about the developments that have shaped the international and national debates on Responsible Business Conduct.

This course is offered on demand.


As a participant, you will:

- gain an understanding of responsible business conduct and the different perspectives that have shaped the various terms and concepts used.
- learn about the incidents that have triggered the development of principles, standards, and guidelines aimed at clarifying the responsibilities of businesses vis-à-vis society, communities, and individuals.
- look at some examples and discuss trends, focusing especially on the challenges of businesses that operate and invest in low-income and fragile contexts, primarily in resource-based industries.
- understand the challenges and opportunities of implementing responsible business principles, standards, and guidelines in practice.
- exchange experiences and become part of a community of practice.


This course is designed for:

Early career professionals who want to learn about the international and national responsibilities of businesses for the impacts of their operations and the employment opportunities in this field of work.
Government employees working on responsible business conduct, business & human rights, ESG performance management and social investment, and CSR.
Representatives of NGOs and think tanks with an interest in business & human rights, business & peace, and sustainable development.
Students and researchers who want to get an initial overview of the debate on responsible business conduct and how principles, guidelines and standards affect corporate practices.

Kasernenhof 8 4058 Basel Suisse

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  • Culture et Identité
  • Éducation pour la paix
  • Consolidation de la paix
  • Développement de scénario et prospective
  • Conception de programmes de consolidation de la paix et de prévention
  • Sensibilisation culturelle et communication
Langues English
Évaluation Online Participation
Public cible
  • Cours magistral
  • Travail de groupe et résolution collaborative de problèmes
  • Étude de cas
  • Jeu de rôles
  • Méthodes de réflexion
  • Indisponible
  • Confirmation of Participation
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