CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

BSc. MBA. PVM. CVS. TVM. Hein de Jong

  •   Nijmegen, Países bajos
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Value Engineer for nearly 20 years. I apply and facilitate Value workshops in projects that require investments, using my knowledge of Systems Engineering and Value workshops, Project Management, Contracting, Business Engineering and Knowledge Management. I am a Value Engineering Consultant and have 20 years experience as systems engineer, knowledge manager and project manager. Recurring themes and motives for me are continuous improvement, focus on customer satisfaction, working explicitly, knowledge sharing and creating value for money. I have a broad interest in technology in general and in the interaction to deal with it in complex processes where stakeholders are involved with different views like architects, maintenance engineers, design engineers, suppliers and contractors. I aim for good teamwork and integral design to achieve operational excellence, beauty, and profit, in all project phases from initiation, design, execution up to delivery and maintenance. For people that really need it, where every dollar counts.

Formaciones ofrecidas
Tema Niveles Idiomas
Anticorrupción Advanced English
Otros Advanced English
Business Administration Advanced English
  • Ejército
  • Funcionarios/as gubernamentales
  • Autoridades locales
  • Personal de ONG
  • Profesores
  • Autoridades públicas
  • No disponible
Formaciones a medida  Yes
  • No disponible

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