CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

Nkumu Fed Fed

  • Private
  • Non-profit
  • International

Nkumu fed Fed is the pioneer female association to raise awareness on Trafficking in Person and abuse in Cameroon. From the humble social activities at branch levels we have 12 branches in the world, 06 in Cameroon, 04 in America and
01 in Germany and 01 in the UK. Our activities neatly fall into five categories or programme areas:

- Education;
- Gender and Rights of the child;
- Health and HIV/AIDS; and
- Secure Livelihood
- Gwan Multi-purpose centre (GMC).

The community and others at the national and international levels have benefitted from projects in all of these programme areas that have also been used to create universal awareness of issues surrounding them. Nkumu Fed Fed has a rehabilitation Centre at its multi-purpose centre where national and international victims of trafficking are rehabilitated, trained and reinserted into the community.

With the prevailing socio-political crisis in Cameroon which started in 2016, Nkumu Fed Fed has been victim-centred and advocating for conflict prevention and peace building. Activities such as humanitarian aid to the internally displaced in the country is an ongoing programme and the major area of focus has been emphasizing on a long term structural prevention programmes. With its Education and Human Rights programme areas, a peace building programme has been envisaged to be carried out in schools and some faith and community based organisations. It is the wish of this organisation to register with the Peace training EU programme. This way, some members of Nkumu Fed Fed may have the opportunity to learn from the already existing training providers of the EU peace building family.

Datos de contacto
  • ONG/sin ánimo de lucro
  • Cultura e identidad
  • Derechos humanos (en situación de conflicto)
  • Prevención de conflictos
  • Liderazgo
  • Educación para la paz
  • Refugiados y personas desplazadas internamente
  • Sensibilización hacia la explotación y el abuso sexuales
  • Combatir la incitación al odio
  • Formuladores de políticas
  • Autoridades locales
  • Medios de comunicación
  • Personal de ONG
  • Mujeres
  • Trabajadores sociales
  • Profesores
Año de fundación 1996
Centro de enseñanza superior o secundaria No
  • No disponible
Idiomas de formación principales
  • English

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