CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

Tranformative Peace Education: from conflict to peaceful interactions

Plazo límite de presentación de solicitud
5th October 2024
Fecha de inicio
22nd October 2024
Fecha de finalización
26th November 2024
Nivel de capacidad
550-1090 EUR

The five-week online course teaches theoretical principles, offers practical tools and provides insights into proven methods from the Berghof Foundation's peace education practice.
In a world marked by war, multiple crises, rising populism and racism, conflicts in everyday life are often resolved by violent means. The complexity of ongoing dilemmas and intense media coverage can create high levels of stress that limit our ability to manage conflict constructively. This poses new challenges not only for practitioners seeking to defuse tensions, but also for those responsible for projects and programmes. Peace education methods and techniques can help to counter these trends. Whether at home or abroad, peace education approaches can be tailored to different contexts, where they can contribute to transforming violent conflicts into a culture of peace. With its direct and systemic orientation, transformative peace education addresses individuals, groups and their surrounding structures and systems.

The interactive online course "Transformative Peace Education" combines various learning formats and features renowned practitioners. It offers the opportunity to learn about peace education on both a theoretical and practical level. It aims to equip you with the relevant knowledge and skills to develop and implement peace education formats both in different contexts and with different target groups.

Live lectures by peace education experts will alternate with interactive experiential learning units, as well as group work. The course will also provide space for (self) reflection and exchange among participants.


Components of the training include...

- learning about the theoretical foundations and state of the art of peace education,
- exploring case studies that provide practical insights into different contexts,
- discussing different forms of violence and transformative approaches in times of polycrisis,
- reflecting on entanglements and power relations in social structures and attitudes that support trauma-informed, peace-oriented, conflict- and context-sensitive practice,
- experiencing peace education methods for future practice and
- reflecting on experiences, learnings and outcomes.


This course is for you, if you…

- are interested in practicing and promoting peace education,
- are a professional working for NGOs, foundations, ministries, funding agencies, educators or self-employed in Germany, Europe or worldwide,
- are open to (self-)reflection, willing to share your experiences and to actively participate in group sessions,
- feel comfortable communicating and interacting in the training language English,
- can commit to attending the module calls,
- can devote up to 5 hours per week to calls, individual and collaborative learning,
- are open to (self-)reflection, willing to share experiences, willing to actively participate in groups and contribute to the common process and
- can ensure a stable and strong internet connection (at least 1 Mbit download/upload) and an updated electronic device (computer/laptop) with a working camera and microphone to work via zoom.

Lindenstrasse 34 10969 Berl Alemania

Para apuntarse en el curso, por favor, haga clic aquí.   Apuntarse ahora

  • Educación para la paz
Idiomas English
Evaluación Review
  • Público en general
  • Clase magistral
  • Trabajo de equipo y resolución colaborativa de problemas
  • Estudios de caso
  • No disponible
  • Certificate of Attendance

Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este curso, póngase en contacto con nosotros.

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