Ms. Elif Kalan
My main areas of interest are as follow: Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Social Integration and Cohesion, Child Rights & CFC, Gender Sensitive Refugee Response. Training topics:
* Conflict and Conflict Analysis
* Conflict Resolution: Principled Negotiation
* Transformative Mediation and Social Cohesion
* Peacebuilding with Young People
* Youth Participation and Empowerment in Peacebuilding
* Refugee Sensitive Youth Works and Gender Programming
Currently, she is a consultant to GIZ Youth Leaders for Social Cohesion (between refugee and host communities) program that has been implemented in Turkey. She is also consultant to UNWOMEN as a National Trainer on Gender Sensitive Refugee Response.
Following training programs have been developed and delivered required tasks within a team that Ms. Kalan has proactively taken part:
1. GIZ - Implementation of Youth Development and Social Cohesion (YDSC) Multiplier Trainings under Stream II Overall 22 Trainings in Istanbul, Ankara (with host of ASAM and MUDEM) and in Şanlıurfa and Gaziantep for both Syrian and Turkish community workers in the field.
2. UNHCR and Habitat Association - Young Mediators for Social Cohesion Program (Oct2017)
3. U.S. Embassy Ankara
Young Mediators as Game Changers Program (Oct2016- Aug2017)Co-trainer
Community Leaders as Mediators Program (Mar-Jun2017) in cooperation with Adıyaman Youth and Culture Association
4. RET International (Mar-Sep2017)
Development and Implementation of LifeSkills Training Manual
5. UNICEF MoNE (May-Jun2017)
Co-consultant on Revision and Review as well as Development of Social Cohesion Program for Secondary School Administration
6. UNICEF Turkey Youth for Peacebuilding Program (Oct2014-Feb2015)
Universities: Coventry University and Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Sabancı University – Conflict Resolution Practice Course at Conflict Analysis and Resolution Program (2014-2016), Istanbul Bilgi University – Peace Education Training (2015).
Thema | Levels | Sprachen |
Kultur und Identität | Advanced | English |
Gleichstellung von Mann und Frau (Gender Mainstreaming) | Advanced | English |
Gleichstellung von Mann und Frau (Gender Mainstreaming) | Advanced | Turkish |
Konfliktanalyse | Advanced | English |
Konfliktanalyse | Advanced | Turkish |
Konfliktmanagement & Konfliktlösung | Advanced | English |
Mediation & Verhandlung | Advanced | Turkish |
Friedenserziehung | Advanced | English |
Friedenserziehung | Advanced | Turkish |
Friedenskonsolidierung | Advanced | English |
Flüchtlinge und Binnenvertriebene | Advanced | Turkish |
Jugendliche und Kinder | Advanced | English |
Tainer on gender sensitive refugee response
Child friendly cities project coordinator (lo…
Consultant and expert trainer
Consultant on qudra program
Expert trainer on young mediators as game cha…
Expert reviewer
Co-founder and master trainer
Child friendly cities project coordinator
Project coordinator and trainer of internatio…
Zielgruppe | |
Zertifikate | |
Customised Trainings | Yes |
Fertigkeiten (Skills) |
• As one of the authors – July 2014, Manual "Mainstreaming Peace Education" has been published on the Salto-Youth Toolbox, here: https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/toolbox/tool/mainstreaming-peace-education-approaches-methodologies-and-visions-a-practitioner-s-manual.1552/
• “Youth and Partnership” published on http://optimistkitapblog.com/tag/mutlu-dincer/ Optimist Kitap (Optimist Book) published in 2013
• “Rio+20 and Youth” an article published on EKO-IQ in 2012 – monthly environment newsletter published in Turkey http://ekoiq.com/arsiv/ekoiqsayi20.pdf (p44-45)
• Consultant to UNICEF in preparation of Social Cohesion Program for the 9th Grades of Ministry of National Education
• Policy paper on “Integration of Young Refugees in Policy-making Processes” by Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation - TESEV (confirmed in December 2018, soon to be published online)
• As one of the authors – July 2014, Manual "Mainstreaming Peace Education" has been published on the Salto-Youth Toolbox, here: https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/toolbox/tool/mainstreaming-peace-education-approaches-methodologies-and-visions-a-practitioner-s-manual.1552/
• “Youth and Partnership” published on http://optimistkitapblog.com/tag/mutlu-dincer/ Optimist Kitap (Optimist Book) published in 2013
• “Rio+20 and Youth” an article published on EKO-IQ in 2012 – monthly environment newsletter published in Turkey http://ekoiq.com/arsiv/ekoiqsayi20.pdf (p44-45)
• Consultant to UNICEF in preparation of Social Cohesion Program for the 9th Grades of Ministry of National Education
Marmara university
Sabancı university
London school of economics
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