CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

Advanced Safety & Security Course

3rd February 2025
6th February 2025
5 days
Level der Fertigkeiten (Skills)
On campus
€ 4.400

The Advanced Course (Hostile Environment Awareness Training) will give you a rational attitude and self-confidence, thus increasing your personal and professional effectiveness in the field. You want to focus on the mission and therefore you need the skills to operate safely in these areas.

How can you prepare yourself for dangerous situations?
During this HEAT training you learn and practice the skills needed to operate safely in high & extreme risk areas. Regular personal feedback is given to enhance your personal learning in a safe learning environment. After completion of the course you will be able to handle extreme situations with self-confidence.

Practice through hyper-realistic simulations:
The course methods are based on role playing, hyper-realistic simulations and a continuous storyline. You will be submersed in a scenario for four days. The course is situated in a war-torn village on a professional exercise centre.
You will be part of a team that will assess a crisis situation in a foreign country. The scenario starts a soon as you arrive at the course location and ends after four days. Theory and practical learning are combined with situation updates that will require action from your team. You will travel to several locations and will be confronted with ethical dilemmas, hostile situations and constant pressure due to insecurity.

About this course:
• Language: English
• Duration: 5 days, including four evening programmes (44 hours)
• Breakdown of time: 30% theory, 30% practice, 40% simulations
• Group size: maximum 14 (during simulations maximum of 7)
• Venue: Weeze, Germany
• Dietary wishes: vegetarian/vegan/halal/other meals
• Certification: on completion of the course you will receive a certificate
• Keep your training up to date: We ensure that your training stays current by offering you a free e-learning programme after one year.
• Acceptance: You can join this course without pre-training


• Hibernation/ Relocation/ Evacuation
• Security Awareness
• Personal Survival and Mental Welfare
• Medical Accident Control
• Stress and Trauma
• Dealing with Aggression
• Gender Specific Risks
• Hostage Survival
• Field Safety Skills
• Communication Skills
• Information Security
• Grab-bag
• Map Reading: Compass & GPS
• Ammunition and Weapon Awareness
• Convoy Travel Security
• Simulations
• Field Exercise



Amersfoortsestraat 20 3769 AS Soesterberg Niederlande

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Other course dates
Start Date End Date
3rd February 2025 6th February 2025
7th April 2025 11th April 2025
16th June 2025 20th June 2025
  • Wahlbeobachtung
  • Zivile Friedensförderung
  • Institutionelle Entwicklung / Kapazitätsaufbau
  • Persönlicher Schutz und Sicherheit (inkl. Stressmanagement etc.)
  • Einsatzvorbereitende Ausbildung für die zivile Bevölkerung
  • Einsatzvorbereitende Ausbildung für die Polizei
  • Kulturbewusstsein & Kommunikation
Sprachen English
Bewertung Evaluation
  • RegierungsbeamtInnen
  • MitarbeiterInnen von NGOs
  • SozialarbeiterInnen
  • JugendarbeiterInnen
  • LehrerInnen
  • JournalistInnen
  • Vortrag
  • Gruppenarbeit und gemeinsame Problemlösung
  • Rollenspiel
  • Simulation
TeilnehmerInnenanzahl 14
  • HEAT
  • HEAT Certificate
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