CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

Gender-sensitivity in Peace Projects

23rd April 2025
7th May 2025
18th June 2025
Level der Fertigkeiten (Skills)

Gender-sensitive and intersectional approaches are crucial when it comes to an intervention in the field of conflict transformation. This specific lens helps identifying invisible angles and new opportunities for comprehensive project management and conflict analysis.

The programme aims to provide emotional experience that walks the talk on feminist principles, in addition to equipping participants with technical skills to apply them in real life context. It strives to encompass beyond-Western-gaze on the subject, and provides learning opportunities through reading, writing, doing, listening and gamification, with the goal to accommodate different learners and preferences.

Through seven segments, the programme will tackle:

1. Own intersectionality of identity aspects, social location, epistemology of knowledge production and bias in connection to peacebuilding;
2. Intersectionality concept, including its origins, main feminist schools of thought on interplay of power and gender, and application in human rights framework;
3. Development of conflict analysis and other main project elements, with application of intersectional lenses throughout;
4. Options for strategizing goals of peacebuilding efforts which acknowledge structural inequalities and challenge power that produces them.


It is expected that by the end of the training, the participants:

- have reviewed and refreshed their knowledge of the main terms and concepts related to gender, feminism, gendered views on peacebuilding and conflict transformation, including an intersectional perspective;
- have an awareness of power and its dynamics related to gender in different conflict situations;
- have continuously and critically reflected on their own role and position within the intersecting dynamics of gender, power and identity;
- shall be better abled to integrate an intersectional and gender-responsive lens into conflict analysis,
- project planning, monitoring, and evaluation, and understand its potential for conflict transformation;
- have created project ideas or adaptations related to their specific working/living environment and embedded in the context of peace work.


The course is designed for specialists who already work or intent to work on international peace projects and conflict-sensitive development, and for peacebuilders across the globe engaged in project management in their organisations, who want to expand and deepen their existing knowledge and to be supported to practically apply it in their work.

The course welcomes participants of different gender, age, nationality, sexual orientation etc. Reasonable accommodation can be made to enable participation of candidates with disabilities.

In order to make the best out of this course, participants should have basic understanding in regard to gender, conflict sensitivity and project management. Spoken and written fluency in English language will enable participants to follow the content smoothly.

Am Koelner Brett 8 50825 Cologne Deutschland

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  • Konflikttransformation
  • Gleichstellung von Mann und Frau (Gender Mainstreaming)
  • Zivile Friedensförderung
  • Konfliktmanagement & Konfliktlösung
  • Friedenskonsolidierung
  • Konfliktsensitives Projektmanagement
  • Gestaltung von Friedensförderungs- und Präventionsprogrammen
Sprachen English
Bewertung Certificate of Attendance
  • MitarbeiterInnen von NGOs
  • Andere
  • Vortrag
  • Gruppenarbeit und gemeinsame Problemlösung
TeilnehmerInnenanzahl 16
  • Nicht verfügbar
  • Certificate of Attendance
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